

  • Whatever your opinion in the cold light of day, most people cannot easily control their response in an extreme adrenalin-fueled situation. I don't think most people would consider it as giving up their life, since they would automatically try to help without thinking. I personally wouldn't do the classic "oh my god here…
  • Reading back through this thread has triggered my memory wrt certain authors: Catch-22 - Jospeh Heller. We are all Milo Minderbinder. Other great books by Heller - Something Happened and Good as Gold. Concrete Island, Crash, High Rise - J G Ballard Oh and Philip Pullman His Dark Materials.
  • Moby D/ick. Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess. Mason & Dixon by Thomas Pynchon. Hunger by Knut Hamsun. The Island Of The Day Before by Umberto Eco.
  • I only ever run outside. I run at 5am, so heat is rarely a problem. I hardly ever wear tights, it's rarely below 0 where I am in the UK, has been -4 C or so a few times though. I love the rain, I wear technical polyester gear which doesn't get too heavy.
  • This year's was £65 for overseas residents, something like £39 for UK residents.
  • Most people seem to be recommending "good shoes", but really your form is more important in my opinion. A lot of people, myself included, have tended to rely on cushioned shoes to allow them to basically run incorrectly. That's not to say that I believe in running drills or scientific running methods, but a few pointers to…
  • UK.
  • Newport, Wales, UK. Native language is NOT Welsh, and I can't even speak or understand it, since that has only been trendy for the last 10 years or so. The town is descending rapidly into a calendar of festivals, organised by the local authority in a futile attempt to stop the rot, which is unstoppable now since even Marks…