

  • My playlist for cardio is a mix of mostly upbeat tracks from a variety of artists. I know I can put it on "random" and get that perfect track to close out my workout with a little extra energy. Last night it was "Hysteria" by Muse... listened to it twice in a row to really go hard through my final 7 minutes :)
  • Hey all! Looking for encouraging friends as well if anyone wants to add me :)
  • The new Civ 5 expansion will result in significantly less outdoor time for me this summer if I'm not careful :( Sigh... Damn you Sid Meier!!
  • Definite gamer here, ever since I got a 16k TRS-80 and loaded up Moonlander on my cassette drive (dating myself, I know). Somewhat more sophisticated these days, primarily playing SWTOR, Diablo 3 and the occasional 360 game. Not hardcore anymore though... just one hobby amongst many! So other gamers out there, feel free to…
  • Hey all! Just signed up today... Oakville here, always looking for friends! Cheers...