

  • I think it's easy to judge when you are on the outside. There might be more going on than just poor eating habits. The fact that you're on this board makes me think you should have more insight and sympathy than this.
  • I went to do my workout this morning and they are ALL GONE from streaming??!!!! I'm Sooooooooooooooooooooo bummed! I love those 10 minute workouts. Looks like if I want to do them, I'll have to buy them. *sigh. I already have several workout DVD's. I liked the ones on Netflix because it's not the same thing every day.
  • No more than once a week. But that's only because I work in a Doc's office. If I didn't have access to a scale, I probably wouldn't weigh in more than once a month or so. I get too "scale conscious" and it becomes an obsession...
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