MommyCatM Member


  • :smile: My Bestie is doing the Couch to 5k program. Otherwise both Prevention Mag and Runner's World have frequent articles on how to start a running program for beginners. Usually it is walk 1 min run 30 seconds and repeat for about 20 minutes then you build on from there. I love a Turkey Trot 5k myself. What a great way…
  • Hi Mamas!, I'm 35 and nursing #2 who just turned 6 mos this past week and plan to nurse for at least 2 years per WHO and AAP recommendations. Baby #1 nursed for 15 mos until she just stopped one day. So we will see. Trying to loose 30 pounds or so. Will take me back to the weight I was when I met my husband. After the…
  • Midwestern transplant. 2nd year in DFW. Last summer was a doozy. Especially since I was pregnant!!! Hoping and praying this summer is better. Still think 6-7 am is going to be the prime time to workout before the heat cranks up. That sun is brutal!
  • The Matrix Soundtrack is perfect for cardio. I like to turn volume off on workout DVD's and add my own music.
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