

  • Great job, you are looking terrific! If you don't mind me asking, how long did this take you? My wife is the same height as you, and was around 170 when we started this a few weeks ago and is hoping to get down to about 130. The last week has been a bit of a plateau for both of us, and I'm looking for some success stories…
  • I've been making Blueberry Banana Smoothies for the last few weeks, and use them almost as a meal. Here's the ingredients... 7-8 Ice Cubes 1 cup blueberries 1 Banana 1 cup vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup 1% Milk 1 tsp Vanilla Extract I blend it all together in a blender for about 20 seconds. This makes 2 servings and works out to…
    in Smoothies Comment by ccalwell June 2012