

  • Water....what helps me with getting in more water is 1 starting the day with 16 oz for taking my vitamins...2 cups down...I purchased a 64 oz pitcher from the dollar store and fill it with water first thing in the sits at my desk and I try hard to commit to drinking it all before I leave work everyday....most…
  • I am doing the reverse diet. I havent changed from eating what I like per se, I just have what I would have had for dinner for breakfast...most days I have to remind myself to eat lunch. I have a regular lunch, then breakfast food (i.e cereal, eggs, bacon) for dinner. Also, dont know if this has been mentioned but try…
  • I weigh almost everyday. I am trying something new...the reverse diet and plan on weighing once a week. Its hard but I moved the scale from in the bathroom and that helps a little. I weighed this morning...but I am going to try not to step on the scale again until next week!
  • Hey Well lets get it, we have this wonderful, free website to help with meal and exercise tracking, we have people that will support and encourage us so we can only lose!! LOL...Weight that is. Its only been 2 serious days for me...well a day and a half but I feel this time I am going all the way! I wish you all the best…
  • Let me see how many consecutive days I can do....LOL...I call Jill all kinds of ugly names, I truly think she is trying to kill me!!! LOL...I have read fantastic I am going to try again!!! Can I do thirty....I know I can...the question is will I? LOL :)
  • Well we need to revise it....Nothing tastes as good as I want to feel!!! How do you want to feel, healthy and happy in the skin your in?!?! Right, so lets get to it!!! Here it is remixed! Nothing tastes as good as healthy looks!!! Nothing tastes as good as happy feels!!!
  • Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.....
  • I am a newbie too! We are the same weight, I dont know how much you want to lose and cant offer much advice but we can go this journey together! I want to lose about 30 pounds, I think that is good for my age and frame. What are your goals?