

  • Thanks all for some great input! I'll see how I'm doing over a week's time, but certainly try to make sure I'm getting enough nutritionally on a daily basis. I do get some fat intake from dairy (sometimes more than I should!) - it's all about learning to get a good balance down. THanks for the encouragement!!
  • I just did this over the weekend. Our old scale was quite old and beat up, and while there was some occasional variation, it seemed to be somewhat consistent. When I stepped on the new scale (first thing in the a.m. as usual) (both are digital), it was a few lbs lighter than what my other one had been reading. But as…
  • Thanks! I just started the logging again, so I may look at it from a weekly perspective and see how I'm doing. If I seem to be on track, that may work for me. But if I'm not getting anywhere, I may need to be more diligent about the daily allowance. I've been avoiding some high calorie "healthy" foods like nuts, but it's a…
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat with a second shot at it, after losing about 20 - 25 lbs last year and gaining about 30 this year, ugghhh! But I agree, it's the bad habit of the convenience foods that did me in too! I am also as anti-cooking, anti-exercise as they come, which certainly doesn't make weight loss easy! My husband…
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