Any serious trainer has one cheat day and they eat whatever they want. Enjoy your life or you will fail.
There is no need to train that hard! This is a life long journey. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!!
You men are so lucky...I have been on my program for 4 weeks and only 4 pounds so far! I am eating like I am in training too!!! GOOOD JOB!
I work ten hour days and run a medical practice.. All you need is 20 minutes a day of cardio to stay healthy. After you get use to going to the gym not only do you get the "high" you also get the community and fellowship. It becomes a hobby. The truth is in life you either want something or you don't. You don't because if…
FYI- I say don't see a doctor cause headache could be anything and they will send for a CT or MRI or just send you home with some over the counter suggestions.. Don't waste your money. If it is so bad that you have blurred vision and light sensitivity and ibproven doesn't work then you should seek help.
I have been on a program for four weeks and I am following a training diet of protein, veggies and lots of water and minimal carbs.. only complex and only about 40% of my daily intake. I work for doctors and believe me..don't see a doctor unless you can't manage your headache. I am losing about 1.4 pounds a week and…
You are awesome!!!
Best thing ever is to add coupe heaping table spoons of salsa and eat with tortilla chips... just adjust your thinking and pay attention the the creaminess of them. I wasn't a fan and now it is my favorite.