

  • Hey, Rule #1 if you obsess about something it usually doesnt last long term. I'm thinking with your crazy schedule its hard for you to go to the gym everyday and it seems more like a hassle, but you make yourself go because you think you HAVE to. Try this. Buy a bike. Go for bike rides. Head to the park and go for a run.…
  • I had a tooth extracted in May. I couldn't eat anything and I had this huge hole in my mouth. I didn't know how I was going to get all the nutirents I needed because I was told I could eat was "cold soft foods" !? Jello..pudding...applesause....yay... Not to sound like a commercial but...Thats when I tried MyoPlex lite.…
  • It depends on how much you weigh and exactly how hard you are working. Are you punching actual bags or just doing footwork on the floor. Are you jumping while kicking? The more effort you put into your kickboxing workout the more calories you will burn. You are most likely burning 400+ depending on your effort.
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