

  • You look fantastic, and seem like you FEEL even more fantastic! I love the bangs, by the way - super cutie!
  • In addition to food intake, you've got some stress on your shoulders! You just moved, which is hugely stressful. You work all the time - big stress. I think everyone's making great points by saying you should log what you eat - especially since you're so busy all the time, it's too easy to overeat mindlessly. A hard thing…
  • I'm a newbie, so please excuse any ignorance in this post, but - has anyone reviewed if you're actually eating too few overall calories? Not the carb issue as much as your body going into shutdown mode because you're exercising a terrific amount, but only eating 1200 calories? You sound like a terrific and motivated…
    in carbs Comment by maceacme May 2011