

  • I felt tired after a supposed 9-12 hours of sleep, and then I started wearing my bodymedia fit to bed. It showed me that my sleep is very sporadic, and I was really only logging about 5:30-6:30 hours of sleep a night.
  • I love mixing a cup of Greek yogurt with splenda, and cocoa powder or PB2. Then, I top it off with one tablespoon of mini chocolate chips. For black forest yogurt, I mix a couple of T. of cocoa, splenda and a T of dried, unsweetened cherries. http://thesmallestloser.blogspot.com
  • You look wonderful! Great job! http://thesmallestloser.blogspot.com
  • Great job! Forty pounds is no small feat! http://thesmallestloser.blogspot.com
  • Hi, How do I get to your food diary? http://www.smallestloser.blogspot.com
  • I did a juice diet once, and I don't think it is an awful thing, but I do think you should probably expect it to be more water than fat loss. Although I don't remember what I lost, I remember it wasn't much because I didn't have much water to lose. However, I have since read that when you don't get a balanced diet, you…
  • I used to eat less than 1200 calories per day, and after a while, I just could not lose weight. Then, I got pregnant with my second child, and no matter how I restricted my eating, my body gained 95 pounds. A dietitian told me I had hurt my body by eating so little, and that I was in starvation mode. When I got pregnant,…
  • Your friend is losing water weight. When you first go on a low carb, high protein diet, your body sheds glycogen. For each gram of glycogen, she will lose 2-3 grams of water. After a while, the weight loss will slow. I don't think the diet shake in and of itself is horrible. It is just high protein, and if she doesn't add…
    in ViSalus Comment by eboyas April 2013
  • What are you measuring, and how tall are you? I found that I have to lose a lot of pounds to lose a few inches. Also, I have lost the most inches in my waist and fewer inches in my hips and NO inches in my boobs. I am very tall though, so fewer pounds translate into fewer inches. I measure a ton of places, so I can "see"…
  • I've had a device since the big, huge bulky ones were out six years ago, and I had to get mine replaced twice last year! I wonder if they are getting cheaper. The bad thing is that they make you pay for return shipping! I actually sold my replacement on ebay this last time because it was right before the warranty was up…