

  • Starting strength is great. Focus's on basic whole body movements such as deadlifting, squats, powercleans, benching, military press. Here, http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/The_Starting_Strength_Novice/Beginner_Programs You learn the lifts, start out light, very light. You will be adding at least 5 pounds to the bar…
  • So you think cardio is better for weight loss? I should say fat loss.
  • Try staying consistently at or below 1200 calories. Cut more carbs and eat more protein or increase your exercise. Make sure you are being accurate with your food log. Then if your still not losing cut another 100 calories. If the hunger is getting your increase your fluids. Get a protien shaker (20 ounce cup) and make…
  • No. Learn to lift correctly and learn to lift heavy. Start light. Doing that will help you more than cardio. Adding cardio Will help tremendously. Go follow a program like starting strength, Focus on learning to do the lifts correctly, that means squatting below parallel. Oh don't make the the mistake of thinking women…
  • Cheat days, cheat meals.. Think one poster said it, go by a weekly goal. So if your daily goal is 1200 calories a day then cut it to 1100 then on day 7 you will have 600 extra calories if you want that cheat day or meal. The key for myself was litteraly drinking 60-80 ounces of green tea a day at least. So I'd get hungry,…