missshoes07 Member


  • I'd like to chime in about your 2nd question. I haven't ever been significantly overweight but I have lost nearly 15 lbs in the last 10 months. I'm healthier and more fit. I've done a 5K and an 8k this year! Blood work in a couple months will give the definite numbers of progress. Anyway, I actually thought of a bible…
  • Drink or not to drink...I can relate :) I looked at my alcohol like my food. Start finding stuff that you like that's low in calories and such. Soooo no more Rum and Coke (oh me!) and started drinking Bombay and Sprite zero. Yum. An ounce is only 70 calories. As a treat, I can fit a glass or two into my food "budget" with…
  • Haha! 100% agreed with the person who said rum and diet coke. So dysfunctional!
  • I didn't gain my "15" until nearly the last semester. I worked 40 hours weekly and took 12 hours of school the entire 4+ years. Social life equalled Friday nights only and sleeping was next to nothing. The reward 8 years later is a great job and opportunities. SO here's my advice: try not to stress a lot. Yes girl, easier…
  • I'm doing the 1200 calorie days. I started my "lifestyle improvement" plan about a month ago. It was tough staying under the marker for about the 1st 2 weeks. Of course the 'work out' days are easier. It took some research and longer trips to the grocer before I found things that were bigger portions with the right amount…
  • Hey! I think it really depends on the body type. I'm 5" 2' fairly small boned but I'm pretty curvy weighing 136 right now. My doctor does want me to slim down about 6 lbs for put off certain issues. I could work out and "lifestyle change" like crazy but I'm still always going to be curvy. i won't ever be the kind of small…