emom3boys Member


  • Cake Batter Buddies - too bad I ate way too much of them before I calculated it out. A little isn't bad, but it's addicting and once I start it's hard to stop.
  • Thanks all! Hubby was discharged this morning after spending the night under observation after his surgery. So far I seem to be running in 5 different directions between taking care of him (helping him sit up, stand up, walk, sit down, lay down, etc.) , our 3 kids, and our puppy... everyone seems to need me all at the same…
  • It's where I wish I lived, but it's mainly where I feel the most relaxed when on vacation.... dreams come true there. =)
  • There is also a mom group on here too that has quite a bit of discussion going on.
  • I have 3 boys - ages 8, 6, and 2. I'm also a teacher. Add me if you like, I just started on here almost 2 weeks ago.
  • Thanks for the ideas! I wish we had a pool... that would be perfect!
  • Kind of new at all this - but is there a friend limit on here?
  • My husband eats the leftovers for dinner, or makes himself a sandwich. We have also gotten into making our own individual salads (green salad, pasta, egg, tuna) he puts the stuff he wants in his and I can make my own. My husband seems to be more receptive to eating right when I fix the meals, and if he doesn't like it then…
  • My microwave popcorn bag is the light butter kind - not the 100 cal mini bags. It makes around 5 cups popped, and each popped cup is 30 calories. I think they have to tell you the total amount it will make on the outside of the box since it's the entire package with individual bags inside in case you are planning on…
  • I can't have it in the house. I messed up yesterday and made Cake Batter Buddies (corn chex covered with melted white chocolate tossed with dry cake mix), then I figured out the calories after I had already eaten way too much of it. I messed up big time and had to ride the stationary bike for over an hour last night to…
  • Well I made it through dinner. I ordered the prawns with snow peas, and then proceeded to eat mainly all veggies. I did check the scale this morning and it was up a pound, but I figure it's mainly just sodium. Thanks for all the advice!
  • Hi everyone, I'm Emily (I just wrote a post on the 6/13 daily). I signed up on here about 12 days ago after canceling my WW account. I love the community aspect to MFP. I'm 34, have 3 sons, and am a teacher. Still a long road ahead, but for the first time in a long time I feel excited to work toward my end goal. Thanks for…
  • Hello, I'm Emily and I'm pretty new around here. I'm 34, live in CA, and have 3 sons. I am a teacher, so right now I'm on blessed summer vacation. Today I painted shelves for my middle son's room, took my 2 oldest for haircuts, and exercised my butt off since I got the munchies (fritos and onion dip). Tomorrow my husband…
  • My Kelpie/Shepherd 7 mo. puppy loves to go on walks, but she is not ready to start running yet (which is good because I'm not ready to run either). Someday I'm sure she will love it though.
  • You are an inspiration. I can only hope that someday we (my husband and I) can be at the same point as you both.
  • Thank you for the quick responses.
  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
  • It's been mainly cardio - long power walks that left me breathless, Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout video (kickboxing, squats, weights, etc), Biggest Loser Power Walk video, walking the puppy, stationary bike... yes, my muscles have hurt everyday.
  • I love my Biggest loser videos, walking my dog, and doing the stationary bike - I can catch up on my shows or read.
    in Exercise Comment by emom3boys June 2012
  • Go to the store and buy the oil. You don't need to eat them, maybe you need to go on a walk when she's making them. You can be strong. Tell your wife how you are feeling too. My husband sometimes doesn't understand the little things that bug me, but he won't get it unless I tell him. Good luck!
  • I agree with the others, but I also know that it helped me to put a pedometer on at work to keep me motivated to move when I really just want to sit. I don't count it as exercise, but I do try to get to 10,000+ steps a day.
    in At Work Comment by emom3boys June 2012
  • I was wondering that same thing too - on another site I've been at 1500, here I'm at 1400. I go back and forth between eating some of my exercise calories, but not all of them. If it works and I don't plateau then I guess it's working...
  • green beans - non stick spray on the baking sheet, beans on the tray, 425 degree oven for about 10 minutes - then adding a little garlic to it when the sheet is still hot... yum!!
  • You can do it, and eventually you will feel so much better!! Over a year and a half ago (Christmas 2010) I realized that I was addicted to soda, so I gave it up cold turkey for a year. Once last Christmas came around I didn't want it anymore. I still get the fizzy water type drinks - you know the kind that doesn't have…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me as well. I started a week ago as well... also trying to save some extra money coming from a paid thing. So far it's been wonderful - same type of community feel.
  • Hi! My name is Emily and I'm 34 years old. I have 3 sons - ages 8, 6, and 2. I signed up a couple of days ago because I really want to do something for me. In the process of taking care of me, I will be able to be more active in my boys' lives, live a better, more fulfilled life, and not have to worry so much about my…
    in Welcome Comment by emom3boys June 2012
  • Thank you. I ate them even though I didn't want to... =)
  • I planted so much, and then my dog that has never had any interest in the plants decided to munch on almost everything when I was at work. After replanting the zucchini twice, I've given up for this year. We have mint, parsley, chives, tomatoes, peas, and rosemary that survived her attacks. Everything else has been dug up.
  • Great job!! How far do you run each day?
  • Hello, My name is Emily. I signed up on here yesterday morning. At present I'm 241 pounds. I have lost weight in the past and I've gained it back. I could use some support, and I'm a good encourager in return. Eventually I would love to weigh 140, but right now I'm focusing on my small goal of getting to 200. Maybe it's…