

  • Hi! I am NOT a veggie eater either, but I have found great ways to get it in throughout the day. For example, I just had a salad (lettuce doesn't count) with 1 cup of cucumbers and 1 cup of green peppers. Half way there! Last night for dinner I had a steak with grilled zucchini and peppers. Even though I don't really like…
  • For those considering Ideal Protein, I recommend you check out the Forum at 3 Fat Chicks: There is so much helpful information and links to recipes and creative ways to get the veggies in. I have been on IP for 3 weeks and have lost 12lbs. This is huge for me because…
  • I felt weird having a slice of bread PLUS a bowl of cereal on a diet anyway. You didn't miss much!! Today I made myself pancakes and bacon for breakfast (is this a diet?!) and it was a wonderful treat. Still getting used to these smoothies. I definitely prefer to eat my food rather than drink it, so those meals are tough.…
  • I agree that planning is key. My boyfriend and I sat down with the book for a few hours on Sunday, planned out the entire week, and then went shopping. Spent $280 on tons of HEALTHY foods for the two of us for the week!! I have my entire week in a word document so all I have to do is follow the day and make sure I eat on…
  • Thanks, Michele! Looks like you're doing great :) Can't wait to be right there with you in a few more weeks...