ricky750 Member


  • This comment is incorrect and should be disregarded. Whether it's you or the surface that's moving doesn't have anything to do with anything. Many treadmills have soft giving surfaces which are lower impact than road running.
  • haha, You aren't cheating on elliptical :) Just increase the resistance! It's a different beast than the treadmill so specific bits really shouldn't be compared directly. Find the pace that challenges you, no matter if it's faster or slower than the treadmill, then go from there! Remember, if you feel you're moving too…
  • HIIT is short for High Intensity Interval Training, it's an advanced technique that should be saved for athletes and people who already have been training for a long long time. That said, Interval training in general can be done by anyone and can add some spice of difference to a cardio routine. Basically, the premise is…
  • Oh, I forgot to add- the ability to go in reverse (i.e. run backwards!) on the elliptical really adds a new and interesting dimension to the machine, and shifts emphasis to a different set of muscles while still working that cardio! :) All in all, treadmill and elliptical are both good machines, treadmill aimed more at a…
  • One of the nice things about elliptical is the ability to add HIIT, as with a treadmill it's kind of difficult to go into a true sprint (takes too much time for the machine to ramp up to speed). Overall, whatever gets the blood pumping is a good thing :) but I opt for elliptical due to (in addition to what I mentioned…