DotCanada Member


  • How do you enter 30 Day Shred to get such a high colorie burn? Entering it into MFP as circuit training for 25 min (I do a wee bit extra from the 20 min workout) gives me 170 cal burned. Unless it's calulating based on a person's weight I suppose?
  • I do count green tea (hot not iced) as a water - I followed weight watchers for two years, and this is what I did at that time so I have continued to do calories = counted as a water in my log. BUT I also do make sure that I drink H2O as well! I just am not a plain water fan, so can't get 8 glasses "on the rocks"…
  • resistance bands- great idea! As for the buffet...I hate seafood! lol
  • I was planning to start 6 week 6 pack tomorrow too...can I join? Tomorrow will be day 2 of level 3 on 30 Day Shred; I am planning to try doing both. I do 30 Day Shred every morning before work, and plan to do 6 week 6 pack after work.....I only have 3 weeks until I am lying on a beach!
  • potato chips have always been my greatest weakness... if you make these and "bag" them for say the next day, are they still as good? crispy? Or are they to be eaten straight out of the micowave? Has anyone actually tried it with the sweet potato yet - I read a lot of people saying they were going too.
  • this morning was day 2, level 1 for shoulders/chest muscles are so sore! I plan to do the video 6x a week and hope that it will help to tighten & tone things up. I don't have a lot of weight to loose (3 lbs to get back on track after the holidays where I felt all that I did was eat!), but definitely need the…
  • I have the same problem - have for years. What works for me, is a bowl of Raisin Bran cereal at least 4x a week, but preferrably every day to keep the "constipation bloat" away! It truly does work and gets rid of those last few pounds!!