

  • My toons have played with Mentalmidget. I don't recall which one I was on. Pelil is my Rogue and Finlily is my mage.
    in Rift Comment by cjweeden June 2012
  • I'm a Rift junkie. I have toons all over the place. currently I'm concentrating on my gnarlwood guardian mage.
    in Rift Comment by cjweeden June 2012
  • I've learned to balance my time. Exercise before work, game in the evenings and on weekends. It's working so far...
    in Welcome! Comment by cjweeden June 2012
  • Motivation is what you make of it. I finally broke down and bout a treadclimber for my house so it would be harder for me not to exercise. With Three small children running around it's difficult to find any time for the gym.
  • I'm Corey 31 Male I got hooked on MMORPG's when EQ came out, currently playing Rift. I've never LARPed, don't really think there are any groups around me. I'm a Biomedical Equipment Technician. I'm Also a member of the NYANG, 6 years to retire, have to lose weight and get back in shape to get it done. I'd like to…