

  • I haven't been on the computer much, and I haven't been tracking anything I've eaten either. I've still been trying to be aware of my eating, and I lost a couple more pounds, so I'm happy as long as the direction is down and not up. It took a long time to gain the weight, and I think it will take almost as long to lose it.
  • Just tomorrow 'til Thursday, but she has the best bread bakery on the east coast one hundred yards or so from her house, so the fresh warm bread from there is too much to pass up, because I don't get there very often. I'm ok with all the goodies in the place, I just want the bread! Congratulations on staying the same! That…
  • How's everybody? I did weigh in yesterday, but lost nothing. I was very bad last week, so no surprise. Not sure if this week will be any better, going to my mom's for a couple of days, so it won't be easy...
  • I was happy to see I'm one pound down! I'm a little surprised considering how much/often I've gone over!
  • OK, I'm going to weigh myself in the morning. I have gone over every day except today, so I don't know what to expect. Hope your next weigh-in goes well too!
  • Thanks Frankee, but where can you add one ingredient at a time and have the calculator do it? I saw the page where you put in all the data from the recipe but I had to figure it all out to enter it, but Greta's right, once it's in, it's done. I went way over yesterday, and I'll be going over a little today. After…
  • Hi guys! I'm not sure if I can do this or not, I have to see if i can easily translate my home made stuff to put it in. Are you finding that easy? Any hints?
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