

  • Heather, Great job on the 5K...major accomplishment My accountability wasn't so good this weekend...I manage all week long to not log in the calories on the weekends 'cause I don't like being on the computer on the weekends... I did burn my goal...3000 cal this week & I think I manage to be very close to my cal limit...BUT…
  • I'm posting on Monday AM...It's easier as I tend to avoid the computer like the plague on the weekends...I met my calorie goal, almost met my posting goal, & met my awesome hike/photos goal. I also weighed in this AM & I'm 1/2 way to my weight loss goal. YEAH!
  • I'm in... For the next 90 Days, I pledge to 1. Burn at least 3000 calories / week even 2. Stay with in my calorie intake on myfitnesspal 3. Weigh myself every Monday AM for more accountability 4. Do one substantial hike/week & take pictures