denvervegan Member


  • So I'm not crazy! I got much too low of an adjustment in MFP last night and the same is happening today. If MFP can't be bothered to address issues like this in a timely manner (at LEAST acknowledge the problem), I may end up dropping them and just using the Fitbit platform.
  • Maybe a Fitbit would be better than an HRM for this type of activity?
  • Don't kid yourself, that's a very dead horse you're beating. Dead and incredibly unfunny and unoriginal.
  • LOL IT'S WATER GET IT GUYZ This joke is so old and so irritating. Give it a rest.
  • Just to clarify, there is a difference between being vegan and eating a plant-based diet. The goal of veganism is to abstain from using animals and animal products in any way (this includes clothing, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc), and the diet is just part of that. I think most people in this thread are discussing…
  • The bulk section is awesome. I buy grains, flour, couscous, nuts, dried fruits, and spices in bulk there.
  • I think unprocessed foods were a lot harder to find. It is so easy now to find imported vegetables, fruits and grains that would have been difficult, if not impossible, to find at that time. If you stick to the produce and bulk sections of the grocery store, it is incredibly easy to stay away from artificial flavors,…
  • Nope! Nobody does, because it isn't a legitimate, recognized diagnosis.
  • I hope you're prepared for lots of nutrient deficiencies and unpleasant colorectal issues. I also hope you're aware of the immense amount of money spent marketing meat and dairy. Produce is barely marketed at all. It's just necessary for life. Good luck.
  • One clarification that needs to be made here: Veganism encompasses much more than diet, as vegans do not use animal products in any aspect of life. The correct term when talking about diet alone is "plant-based." Sorry to be picky, but it's an important distinction. I would recommend finding some low-calorie foods you…
  • I often see orthorexia as a "diagnosis" from laypeople who are confused and annoyed by other people caring about what they put in their bodies. As a vegan who eats probably 95% organic food, I come across this now and then in attempts to discredit lifestyles such as mine. In reality, I eat a varied and nutritious diet,…