

  • Yay so glad it is a daily check in. I missed that somehow. Will we have a new daily thread? I only ended up with 2 points yesterday. I guess I assumed I would get to 4 with no problem. Today I will pay more attention. I also printed off the rules. One for work and one for home this will help me keep focus. :) Super excited…
  • I think any amount we lose is going to be great. I am just happy to have a goal to reach to. I think I can do the 10 lbs since I am just restarting and that will be 2 lbs a week for me which is doable at this point. I am trying to beat the clock though as I just turned 41 and I know it does get harder and harder each year.
  • Wow vypeters what an inspiration!! I have 100+ to lose but now is a good time to start. I will be a success story one day.