First and foremost KUDOS for doing 60 minutes on an elliptical. No matter what number you believe for the calorie burned, you know you are so going in the right direction. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had bariatric surgery 4 years ago, and almost every one in my support group that lost any significant weight quit using their sleep apnea equipment. I believe that is very common with weight loss.
The doctor said that when you could smell the strong odor, at that time it was life threatening. Basically he said the gall bladder was not working properly and if it could be checked during the episode it would likely result in a hospitalization and/or treatment. I told the Dr. this has happened several times in my life…
When you say your burps really smell bad, the doctor told me that is your gall bladder. Basically it is not able to keep up with the needed bile to process the food you've eaten. He also said it can be life threatening- now that's an incentive to eat right. Good Luck :)