

  • You look amazing.. I can notice it all over.. Great job and good luck continuing your journey :)
  • I truly enjoy my elliptical. I have had a treadmill in the past and found that my cardio was becoming very very boring and plus I am not a runner and to me walking will get you no where unless you get that heart rate up. Also, walking on an incline on the treadmill is one of the worst things that you can do to your knees.…
  • Thank you anu!
  • Hello MissesG! What are your tips? How have you done it? I feel like I've been so stressed and I try to squeeze in what I can when I can. I've just started logging in my foods and what not. I'm going on cruise in February and I don't want it to be like that last one two years ago! I was insecure, had nothing to wear and I…