

  • Well if you're wondering what foods to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle and help you lose weight, here's my advice. Eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and lean meats. Its also important to be getting a lot of whole grains. This means looking at the labels on packages of breads and cereals. You DO NOT want…
  • I would also like to add that exercise lowers blood pressure, decreases the risk or heart attacks and strokes, strengthens and tones muscle, as well as aids in building bone mass. It makes your body stronger, so that your heart can pump blood more efficiently, so that your lungs can increase their oxygen intake and will…
  • The real difference between saturated fat and trans fat and the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats is their chemical makeup. It has a lot to do with how many oxygen and hydrogen molecules make up the carbon chain of each but I won't bore you with those details. :laugh: Saturated and trans fats, fats derived from…
  • I love salads, especially in the summer when we can use all the fresh veggies we grow in the garden. For me its usually dark leafy lettuce like romaine or swiss chard (no iceburg!!), with tomato, cucumber, red and/or green peppers, peas (snow peas or freshly shelled), baby carrots, sometimes mushrooms, and scallions for…
  • I usually get the turkey breast on honey oat with spinach, cucumber, tomato, and honey mustard dressing. I used to get it without cheese but now I always get the pepperjack too. :blushing: I just love Pepperjack too much, but if you skip the cheese it brings the calorie count down. Also, stay away from the mayo and the…
  • I've definitely BTDT! Joining this site and logging my calories every day has really been an eye-opener for me. Its easy to forget how many calories you're really eating sometimes, especially if the serving size is so ridiculously small for such a large number of calories. Its easy to go overboard in the summer with all…
    in gaining Comment by Bella_Luna July 2009
  • A trick I learned that seems to work for me is to brush my teeth either right after or soon after eating dinner. In my experience, when I'm full and satisfied from dinner and my mouth is minty fresh and clean I don't feel much like eating just to eat. If I do get the late-night munchies and know I shouldn't be consuming…
  • Don't beat yourself up, you are not a failure. Part of the weightloss journey is realizing that it is not a diet that will end once you hit a certain weight, but a lifestyle change that you will hopefully keep up the rest of your life. I don't know about you, but part of my lifestyle is going out to eat once in awhile and…
  • I've just joined this website but I had to comment on this post. I don't think you fully understand the way the human body processes energy stores when in starvation mode. The body needs some form of energy for basic cellular respiration, in order for one to survive. Cellular respiration is the process by which the body…
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