

  • 2 pieces of melba toast, 2 oz of cheddar cheese and an orange or an apple. Easy to grab and go and can put into a bag the night before.
  • for breakfast, I make prepackaged plain oatmeal and add 2 Tsps of peaunut butter to it.... weird.. but it fills me up till lunch and I can eat it in the car if I'm running late. for lunch I buy Sam's Club veggie tray (has lots of variety) and fill a sandwich bag full and take some cheddar cheese or cottage cheese for…
  • I kept going to holiday get togethers for work this week.. my solution. I took a veggie tray.. and ate that.. and nibbled on the other.. crunching the veggies made me feel as if I was celebrating too and drank .. diet gingerale.. worked for me..
  • One easy veggies for me. is collard greens or spinach.. don't groan... I take a Tbspn of olive oil mince 1/2 an onion 1 clove of garlic crushed one bag of frozen or fresh- collard greens OR spinach.. and saute.. add salt and pepper to taste... It is a lebanese way of making spinach...
  • Dear Jen, I live in florida and bathing suit season is around the corner. I am 5'5 and weigh 173 lbs. I would like to get back down to 128-130 by watching my food, working out at the gym and would love a buddy to do this with. I was successful in losing 40 lbs 3 years ago with a "medical" type diet, which I can't afford,…