singkat53 Member


  • Hi Stacy, Great job on the 43 lbs! I am 58 years old and have struggled with my weight my whole life. I am 257 lbs. But i have learned a lot about dieting over all of these years. Trust the program Don't go below 1200 calories per day. If you want to have a lower daily calorie count, get a little exercise in. Show your…
  • Hi Prototype, I can identify... I joined in October and really haven't done much with it. In the mean time I looked at lots of other sites, but this one seems like the most user friendly and seems to have a great community. I didn't get a feel for how old you are, or how long you have been one this journey to find your…
  • You have to forgive yourself, because if you don't you could go into a tailspin. But I think you need to do some "penance" for your transgression... how about an extra 1/2hr workout for the next week. But you also need to figure out why you did it. It seems that it was more than just exhaustion and stress. Trying to adhere…