KandyF Member


  • Moving Comfort makes a high-impact sports bra that has clasps in the back (not the pull over kind) and wide, padded adjustible shoulder straps. Go to a good foundations department and get measured. You can order Moving Comfort through a local running store (who should let you return if it turns out to be the wrong size,…
  • My husband and I did "tomorrow (or another day this week) for sure" for almost a year. Then we made it a morning instead of an after work thing. We get up super early, and dress for the gym, pack our day's clothes and head out. We don't get a long time, but we get something every day. After a while, it has become just part…
  • NO High Fruitcose (sp?) Corn Syrup. Prior to MFP, I started losing weight simply by that rule. The least processed the better. Better to eat a small piece of full-fat, full-flavor aged cheddar than 8 ounses of fat free chemical cheese -- and more satisfying. When going out, order what you want -- and a to-go box to come…