MyLivelyBones Member


  • I don't drink soda at all. So I can go without it forever. :) Every now and then, the craving will strike me, but it passes as fast as it comes. It's not good for you in any way, unless you're the type to sip a little Coke or Ginger Ale/7-Up when ill.
  • I would say yes/no. Yes because you've been lowballing your cals for a bit so a little indulgence isn't going to kill. But no because, realistically, you should still learn to watch how much you eat while out, even on an anniversary dinner. Maybe eat half your entree and only a nibble or two of dessert? No one says you…
  • I've been a yo-yo dieter for years, and every time I get off the diet boat and back to my old bad eating habits, the first thing I grab is a diet soda. I crave the sugary sweet syrup taste. I ultimately 'gave it up' for the health benefits. I will occasionally have one, just because I can't bring myself to drink a regular…