mel62682 Member


  • GOOD JOB! you look wonderful:happy:
  • i lost 2 lbs!!, i was really Surprised beacuse i had two really bad days. my husband is out of town and one of my boy was sick Yesterday, so over all very bad day:sad: but today is a new day so bring on the happines:smile: Have a wonderful sunday! melissa
  • I did really well on my eating. I am on WW and ate all my points! I still need to drink more water. I did wii active in the afternoon yesterday and at night my husband and I workout to P90X. So far today I am doing well! I am going out for a MOM’S night out tonight so I did my P90X this afternoon. I am really proud of…
  • Hi everyone, my goal is to lose 12 lbs, My current weight this morning is 157lb drink more water and do one pull up. i am 5'10 " so that is alot to pull up! my husband and i just started p90x so i hope to keep that up untill the end. thanks i hope everyone reachs thir goals!:wink: melissa
  • thanks everyone for the help and input. i will be starting one of the workouts tonight! wish me luck:happy:
  • Me also! i would love to loose more
  • i am all most done with the 30 days. so i will try the other work-outs, i hope i like them just as much.:smile:
  • Hi everyone, I just joined and I am ready for a new healthy start. I just had my third son jan-09, so I am trying to get back into shape and I am finding it to be a lot harder this time around. So I am hoping this website will motivate me. Thanks for you time and support.