

  • I felt like an Octopus being hit with a taser gun when I first started!! Seriously my arms and legs were all over the shop! lol! I'm in week 7 now and while I am far from perfect I'm a long way from Ms Octopus - lol!
  • I completed Insanity and have to say it was hell! I found it too hard going on the push ups and I didn't see any real results other than I bulked up on muscle mass in my thighs and biceps. I am now on Turbofire and seeing much better results :) Good luck with it though - it may suit you better than it did me!
  • I've just tried these using a little bit of vanilla extract but I have to say I'm not overly impressed, they were rather stodgy and doughy and didn't really taste of much at all. To be fair to the original recipe over on everydaybelle they use the yolk in the egg which I think would life the batter and make it lighter and…
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