

  • thanks hun, im actually off to the college tomorrow to enroll onto the sports course, first step to the p.t.i haha x
  • i have the same problem, i thought it was just me!! its starting to get me down a bit now, i can't seem to do anything without dripping with sweat, im not smelly but im fed up with beig soaked all the time, i'm only 26 so i know i'm not going through the change, like you i have been stressed a little lately, but this sweat…
  • i cant afford to buy all the healthiest food's about but like you i try my best and get the things i can, and i do alot of exercise so i guess thats good for burning the extra off, but eating too big a portion's im left feeling bloated which don't make me feel the best lol, i used to be really goodwatching what i ate and…
  • im the same, if its healthy i think its ok to eat triple the amount, what can i say, i love food lol!! i'd rather have a litte tough love as it gives you that little extra push!!