

  • Hello! I'm Moira (momo_j) or Mo. I started MFP last spring, did well, fell off the wagon, Holidays hit... Got worse, and I'm back! I realllly need to loose about 40 lbs because I'm per-diabetic and feeling generally crappy about myself if I'm not taking time for ME. I am starting this week with a cleanse (I know, I know, I…
  • Thanks Jen. I upped my calories. I've been tracking and I'm eating about 14-1500 a day. I haven't had as much time to "work out" but I'm trying to stay active. Going to the gym today. Thanks for all the support all!
  • I'm getting better. Because of the plan my DH and I chose, I'm always over with fat and protein, but have been keeping mostly within calories.... Very eye opening! Thanks for all the support! Going to check out Jen's post now!