

  • I usually poach my chicken in water with some spices or low sodium chicken broth. I'll make a bunch of it at the beginning of the week and then if I want it for fajitas (for example), I'll add some Mexican spices. If I want it for a salad, I'll just add some garlic powder or Italian seasonings. Poaching it keeps it super…
  • Ooh definitely will be trying these!
  • Got a recipe from emilybites.com for a breakfast pizza that has a whole wheat crust, egg whites, real bacon bits, and a little bit of cheese. Once I read that, it was all over!
  • Ooh will definitely have to try this!
  • $55 a bottle? Yeah that's a little too pricey for my taste haha. I use a natural fiber supplement called psyllium husk. It's a powder that you can add to protein shakes, oatmeal, eggs, anything really. You get a big bottle and it's like between $5-8 and lasts me at least a few months. Definitely worth looking into. :smile:
  • First: Chest/neck/upper waist? If that makes sense haha Last: Belly, can't get that thing to budge for the life of me
  • I LOVE Quest Bars. They BY FAR have the best nutritional stats of any protein bar that I've seen and they taste awesome. If you want to try a few different flavors without committing to a whole box, you can go on Bodybuilding.com and order them individually for a couple dollars each. I believe that GNC carries them also,…
  • It took me a year to go from around 272 to 224 where I'm at now, which is just about 50 pounds. I didn't work out for the first 6 months of that either, so I think like 9-12 months is a pretty good estimate of how long it would take you. :-)
  • The one thing I would suggest after looking at your diary is to incorporate more healthy fats into your diet. Avocado, nut butters, coconut oil, etc. They'll get your calories up during the day and provide a lot of other added benefits too. :-)
  • Definitely will be trying this out!
  • I use a brand called Cellucor that I buy from Bodybuilding.com. They have some really good flavors, and the nutritional stats are pretty good. And I believe that most of the flavors are gluten-free, which is good! Protein Type: COR-Performance Whey Protein Matrix (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate) Price:…
  • I honestly love both of them but if I had to choose, then definitely college. The passion the players have is much more evident than in the NFL. Not saying that NFL players aren't passionate, but wouldn't you be too if you were getting paid what they do? Haha. I'm a huge Bama fan so needless to say, I'm looking forward to…
  • I was a vegetarian for a little while (only a few months haha) but the biggest problem I had was getting protein. So for lunches I would rely on black beans a lot. So you could do a lower calorie burrito with black beans (or pinto beans), lettuce, tomato, and other veggies, some hot sauce (if you like it), low or nonfat…
  • I honestly feel like, regardless of the outcome of this trial, some group of people will be outraged. If Zimmerman is found guilty, then many will proclaim that it is now illegal to defend yourself (as Zimmerman states that was he was doing in this case). If Zimmerman is found innocent, then many will say that an innocent…
  • I wish I wasn't hungry in the morning like some of you haha. Whenever I wake up my stomach is growling. I usually eat around 400 calories for breakfast. Anything from overnight oats with 1/2 a banana to protein pancakes to an omelet with veggies. I like to mix it up a little bit and not have the same thing every day. But…
  • Yeah I'm thinking I should probably cook some chicken or something like that and have it. I can always just gnaw on it while I'm driving haha.
  • Almond milk all the way for me. I will occasionally drink cow's milk but it's extremely rare and I never actually buy it. I've found that almond milk makes me feel a lot less bloated, plus it tastes really good! I use it in a lot of recipes (like protein pancakes), with my protein shakes, and over cereal. A lot fewer…
  • I drink a gallon just while I'm at work. I'll have a glass (mixed with Crystal Light) for breakfast, and then a few glasses at night for during my workout , and with dinner. At first I was in the bathroom like crazy but now my body has adjusted and it's not too bad haha. That's the only downfall to drinking a lot. :-)
  • Congrats, you've done a great job so far! Don't give up now, you've definitely come too far to go back to where you were. :-)
  • Such a great transformation! Definitely keep it up, you've worked too hard to go back now!
  • I've been following Thug Kitchen for awhile now, he's hilarious and the recipes are actually REALLY good. I've made quite a few of them and they're delicious!
  • Everything that everyone has been saying is definitely spot on. I know I didn't really start seeing success until I changed my mindset from thinking "diet" to thinking "lifestyle." Something else that helped me as well was to stop feeling sorry for myself or feeling guilty if I didn't go to the gym or ate a bad meal. If I…
  • I use Mrs Dash on almost anything. There are a ton of different flavor options (my favorites are Garlic and Herb and Chipotle Lime) and they're all salt free, which is definitely a plus. Sriracha is awesome in Asian/Mexican type dishes, but I also use Frank's Hot Sauce, which has a good flavor for other types of dishes…
  • You look great, what a difference! Keep up the good work! :-)
  • You look great, congrats! Keep going, the hard work is definitely paying off! :-)