Wwannabe Member


  • Weigh yourself once a week, guys, not every day! And see if you can calibrate your scale. Try weighing something fairly heavy on it, a few times and see if it's at least consistent.
  • You should be very proud of yourself. You certainly are an inspration to folks like me.
  • I am doing a recumbent bike about 5 days a week for 30 minutes or so. It is a bit tough when you start to get your heart rate up high enough. I do a weight loss routine (varied resistance), but I also slow down and speed up during the routine, and gradually push the resistance up and try to peddle faster as I warm up. The…
  • I think one issue issue is that if you eat empty, fatty calories, you will be eating a very small volume of food. So you will feel like you are deprived. If you eat healthily, especially a balanced diet with lots of vegetables and some fruit, you can eat a larger *volume* of food. You'll be able to divide that food up as…
  • Such great advice, how do you pick three? Uhh, lets see, 1. Don't procrastinate on the exercise--do it today, and tomorrow, and the next day. 2. Portion control. However healthy your diet, if you eat too much, you will gain weight. 3. Try on your smaller clothes once in a while and admire your leaner body. (And treat…
  • 15-20 minutes for me, at a good clip. I was walking 2-4 miles a day but have switched to doing 30 minutes on a stationary bike, so often walk only about a mile or so. It's easier on my hip (sacroiliac really.) Must be my short legs, :glasses: . Or my age.
  • If you have access to a gym, try a recumbent bicycle. I also have hip and back problems and 20 minutes on the elliptical made me pay in pain later. I've had no problems with pain doing 30 minutes on the bike, and my knees are fine too. I also recommend Pilates, I do a simple abs routine and it's a help. If you can find a…
  • Keep in mind that the safe limit for a woman, for alcohol, is 7 drinks PER WEEK. And a "drink", if wine, is 4 ounces. This spring, I decided to cut out alcohol completely. I had been drinking several bottles of wine per week, and my liver results were a bit iffy. So I gave my liver a holiday. I had nothing for about 6…