May 10, 1990
That video is a crock. I skipped through parts and it is all a bunch of crap. The fact that someone would even take the time to make that video is depressing. Unbelievable.
I don't think that believing this tragedy truly happened, makes this place Disneyland. It's pretty sad that you believe this was all planned. All 20 of those innocent babies shot and killed... was a plan? Makes me sick.
How on earth could you possibly believe that the Sandy Hook shooting was a conspiracy?
I have a burny, numb, shooting pain in my right outer thigh. It even wakes me up at night sometimes. A condition called meralgia paraesthetica could be causing it. It's a compressed nerve. I've noticed since I've gotten heavier it has gotten worse. Hopefully weight loss will make this go away!
My boyfriend has always liked bigger girls, but he always tells me that he will love me no matter what size I am
Hi everyone, I've been on MFP and off MFP. I first started under a different account one year ago and was doing quite well. I don't know how much weight I lost because I never weighed myself but I felt better, my clothes felt better, and I was looking better. I then met my now boyfriend and we both slowly sort of....…
Monday - 5 Tuesday - 2 Wednesday- 4.5 Thursday - 4.5 Friday - 5.5 Total = 21.5
Monday- 5 Tuesday - 2 Total: 7
Manitoba, Canada