

  • Getting bored with my exorcise routine...any suggestions?? my routine consists of stretching, pilates, jogging in place, sit ups, and push ups.. and on occasion i will use a tredmill, or play ddr... IM BORED!!! any suggestions???
  • >That is awesome! I hope I can get down to that by November for my wedding! How long did it take you? Any words of wisdom?? It took me about a month and a half to lose 20 lbs. Also i took breaks every couple weeks and just pigged out, that way my body still had some junky foods in it, and then the next day i would just go…
  • I'm so excited i have finally went down 20 lbs since i started dieting!!! I only have 25 lbs to go! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: HOPE YOU ALL HAVE AS MUCH LUCK AS ME!!!! Good luck all!!! and thanks for the the motivation and support!!! :flowerforyou:…
  • She has noticed how much weight i have lost in the last few weeks, and she keeps saying she is going to start her diet on monday and never does, and then on the weekends she always drinks. I tell her to keep trying and not drink, but i cant seem t get her motivated enough to start. HELP!!!!
  • I'm down 14 lbs in about 5 weeks, i am so happy, and i only have 26 more lbs to go and then im to the weight i want!!!!!:smile: :happy: :happy: :happy: Are you guys having good results like i am?? Well good luck all!!!!
  • It has been 4 weeks since i started my diet, and i have lost 10 lbs, i am now down to 150!!!! I'm so happy!!!:happy: :happy:
  • I lost about 5 lbs in 2 weeks!! I'm so happy!!!
  • I just joined about a week or more ago, and didn't get a chance to say hey until now! so Hey!
    in HI! Comment by kitteerae January 2008