Now that I think about it, I was on 50,000 unit pills once a week too! They were little green, clear gel caps. Initially I wrote 10,000 but now I remember having a conversation with my dad about how it was nearly 7,000 units a day. I've actually gone through this process twice. Initially, the blood test after my first…
Mind if I ask what skin tone you have? I'm naturally tan and apparently darker skin has an even harder time absorbing Vitamin D from the sun. Weird, right? I actually thought it would be the complete opposite. I was so skeptical when my Dr. told me this that I went home and did my own research/googling - turns out she's a…
Just out of curiosity, how long have you been diagnosed with psoriasis? One thing that really, really helped me was a Vitamin D blood test that my doctor ordered. I had randomly developed some patches of psoriasis that had trouble healing so I went in to have it looked at. My dr said she had just recently read an article…