

  • I posted a long reply, forgot to mention once you get more settled you might use almond milk if you are drinking dairy milk. Also might try gluten free or elimination testing different foods. But get your metabolism back to normal first. That means eating enough food!
  • No, you haven't screwed up your body. Confused it, maybe, but that can be changed. I'd suggest eating way more fruits and vegetables. Check the kind of cereal you eat, even Kashi Go Lean Crunch has too much added sugar. Eating too little really can convince your body that you are starving and you won't lose weight even if…
  • Yes, it is ridiculous and a pain. Different brands size differently. Even in the same brand different styles size differently. And finally, some stuff ends up at discount stores like Ross and Marshall's because it simply has the wrong size tag sewn in! And some brands use different names for their plus sizes, so you can…
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