mellycupcakesxo Member


  • Looking for friends to share our journeys together , for inspiration and support! Add me! This is day 22 for me on my fitness journey (3rd time losing weight ) . I've lost about 7 lbs so far. Looking for tips, tricks and any insight to jump starting my weight loss.
  • I can completely empathize with you because, especially with kids & full time school/part time work , it's extremely hard to keep up! My vow is start 2013 with daily exercise & diet (Diet is KEY) . And MFP is the best website to track your diet & exercise and STAY on track. Nothing's impossible. We can do this! Just make…
  • that happened to me when i went to washington for 8 days! so i only did insanity for one day while i was there! :(
  • And i got super toned as well. my legs and arms look great now. i have definition in my stomach. i can see a six pack coming in. i have more endurance and stamina
  • Toned but no weight loss? Did you eat clean? Eating right is like 80% of success to lose weight. You have to change your eating habits. In the first month I lost 12 lbs in the first round. Not as much as I wanted but i have a busy schedule with my kids and school. we do what we can! Ive lost an additional 5 lbs but ive…
  • Hi Tisha! Ive dealt with the same issue going into college as a first time freshman. But after a few years in college I gained the most I have ever weighed in my whole life! it's so scary :( I gained 30 lbs!!!!!!! and so I got engaged and lost 40 lbs which was AWESOME.. the next time i gained weight was after i had kids.…
  • Yes i finished the entire insanity program! it's friggin awesome!!!!!! Ive lost a lot of weight so far, considering the busy schedule i have... i lost 17 lbs. i am currently on my second round of insanity , the first month is finishing up for me. unfortunately the second time around ive been slacking off bc of my kids and…
  • Hey! Ive lost 17 lbs with the help of fitness pal, and the Insanity program, so I guarantee this site will help :love: but you have to put in the time to track your daily exercise and food intake. it really does help though! you can do it!
  • Add me! I've lost 17 lbs so far, with the help of fitness pal, and I have about 15 lbs left ! :D stay determined