

  • Hi Welcome and good luck.. I too like Kara thought I knew what things weighed.. I've been doing this two weeks now, exercising a lot, drinking a lot of water. Weighed my cereal this morning... I was eating 4 x the amount I should have.. big shock.. It has really helped me up to now and I realised I had no iron in my diet…
    in Day 1 Comment by Lynne555 June 2012
  • I agree with all of that... :-)
  • I had to give up wheat, gluten (allergic) and dairy (lactose intollerant)... because of this I felt amazing after a few weeks and 8 years waiting for a diagnosis which included ME/IBS amongst other things. When I initially cut it all out I lost 4lbs a week constantly but I was very big and my metabolism kicked in big time,…