corellalandrigan Member


  • I forgot to mention that I did not lose anything until I researched my TDEE and BMR, I was eating 1200 cal a day, and eating back what mfp said, so I calculated these^ and set my goal to 1550 on days I don't workout to 1700 cal a day on days I do. It is working so far!
  • When I started crossfit at home I lost nothing for the first three and a half weeks. I actually gained a few pounds! I was stunned. I stuck with it, I use the fitness pal app and an activity tracker similar to fitbit. After 30 days I had only lost 4 lbs but I went down to a slimmer size 12. After another 30 or so days I…
  • I have struggled with how many calories to eat as well, I tried the setting that I originally was given, 1400, and lost like 2 pounds? so I dropped it to 1200 and was STARVING!!! So... I did some research and found that if you are exercising at least 3 days a week, you need to determine your BMR ( you can google it) and it…
  • I have struggled with how many calories to eat as well, I tried the setting that I originally was given, 1400, and lost like 2 pounds? so I dropped it to 1200 and was STARVING!!! So I did some research and found that if you are exercising at least 3 days a week, you need to determine your BMR