Thanks Jill. That's a great suggestion. I"m currently working Baltimore (not a great place to walk around), But I never thought about bringing my weights to work. I have my own office and meetings are general schedule a week out. Thanks!
I'm going to check out this fitbit thing. It sound like a pedometer. This time around, I have given into the idea of eating 5 small meals a day, instead solely focusing on my calorie count. The other thing I'm doing more consistently is not eating late. My last meal is somewhere between 6-7 pm if I do eat something late, I…
Hi all, I'm Sarah. Jill thank you for setting up this group. I'm a 38 year old mom of a special needs 4 year old. To put it simply, I'm a sugar addict. I weigh more now than I ever have. I use to commute by metro which would allow me to get off a stop early and walk in the morning and now I commute by car. And the…