

  • I just recently answered a similar question; hope this helps! :) Well Iets begin this solution with the cause behind a plateau, followed by some solutions. Lowering calories too much or too fast will cause the body to drastically decrease its metabolism. Another surprising cause, is dieting for too long and never giving…
  • Well Iets begin this solution with the cause behind a plateau, followed by some solutions. Lowering calories too much or too fast will cause the body to drastically decrease its metabolism. Another surprising cause, is dieting for too long and never giving yourself a break. A great solution to this is to indulge in a…
  • When I went through my weight loss transformation, I learned that it's not about just eating more or just eating any sort of calorie food.. This I feel is where the big debate between counting calories comes into effect; it does seem to crazy at the fact that eating more food can lead to weight loss, but it's not about…