homesweeths Member


  • Alcohol always stalled my progress for days, I'm sorry to say. Who would think that a glass of wine or two would make such a difference? Bummer. Commiserating. I'm on the AIP, and I find that when I cheat with dairy or grains, I can gain 5-10 lbs overnight--mostly water and inflammation. It gradually goes down again. I…
  • Well, I'm definitely grain and dairy free right now, and hoping my sinuses will finally clear up. I used to gauge my 80/20 by joint pain (I can eat potatoes once in awhile now, while tomatoes and chili spice are still a problem), but my sinus problems sort of crept up on me. I thought it was the new cat we adopted last…
  • Welcome! I am currently doing a reset using Sisson's 21-day challenge, just for the fun and energy of a group of people. It would be so cool to lose the sinusitis. I am thinking it is dairy related as I had been taking heavy cream in my coffee for months. The sinus symptoms kind of crept up on me and I blamed the problem…
  • MFP's goals for me were similar but they were all wrong. Eating below 1500 calories actually stalled my weight loss (when I started paying attention to it... I lost 25 lbs without trying and then began to pay attention). MFP's suggested macros are too low in fat and too high in carbs to work for me--I would be hungry all…
  • Sounds wonderful. I have to do nuts in moderation, though, so this would have to be a rare treat for me.
  • When I started AIP for joint pain, I wasn't rven thinking about weight loss. I set my macros according to Mark Sisson's guidelines and eliminated eggs, nuts, and nightshades as well as doing the rest of the Paleo style eating. I even added in liver once a week. Oddly enough (I mean, I know why it happened but at the time I…
  • *Almost* pulled off a Whole30 day today, and then I realized that I drank coffee with cream and a sparkling lemon Dasani, which I don't think is Whole30 even though there's no sweetener in it. I'll have to pay more attention tomorrow. Am trying to get back into healthy eating habits after sliding for too long.
  • Another quick breakfast I've done in the past has been fat bombs and coffee or green tea with added collagen (2 tbs collagen is a full meal's worth of protein). It feels amazingly decadent to savor a fat bomb or two that is made up of coconut oil and carob powder, or (if I need a bit more body to it) coconut oil, dried…
  • Egg "muffins" can work. Fry bacon and/or sausage, break up and add to nonstick muffin cups (we bake in silicone), along with veggies (we most often use leftover roasted veggies, yum, today's batch was cubed sweet potato and Brussels sprouts roasted with avocado oil, Himalayan salt, and granulated garlic). Beat eggs, one or…
  • Have come down with a cold. No energy to cook. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  • How's it going today, @GrokRockStar ? I strayed a little yesterday -- that comes of having a gourmet cooking college kid at home who needs to let off a little steam before the grind of classes starts again, plus a supply of tree ripened peaches and plums hanging around just begging to be made into kuchen. Am going to try…
  • Doing the same. It's not quite a Whole30 for me as I'm still doing butter and cream. I can't do nut milks, and I have to limit coconut. Too much, and I have gut problems. Otherwise I would ditch the dairy for a real Whole30.
  • So true about the carbs, for me, too. Thanks for reminding me of that.
  • I just saw a Whole30 2016 post here in the group. Maybe you can find support there. I'm thinking about it but I really love my morning coffee with heavy cream. I managed to find a brand that has no additives or carageenan.
  • Potatoes contribute to inflammation in some people. They belong to the nightshade family (along with tomatoes, eggplant, goji berries, peppers, and spices from peppers). Inflammation can affect different parts of the body: skin, brain, joints, gut. In my case, eating potatoes can result in three days of stiff, painful…
  • It should get better. Are you eating enough good fats?
  • Paleo meringues with maple syrup and egg white. They oozed maple syrup and were extremely sticky.
  • Will have to check that out. Thanks!
    in Bummed Comment by homesweeths July 2016
  • Most of the time we just snack on them plain. We've also added them to homemade trail mix. I think I've read about using them as breakfast cereal with nut milk or coconut milk, but I could be remembering wrong.
  • Back after an absence. Am active in spurts. Logging now because I've gotten sloppy, gained weight, lost ground healthwise. I want to feel good again.
  • Joy, my situation sounds a lot like yours except the husband part. My husband will eat whatever I cook, so I guess if there's any blame for my long slide down from the good paleo/ primal did for me, it's all on me. I've been struggling with a refrigerator that freezes everything. I finally convinced dh, I think, that the…
  • Toasted coconut flakes are amazing. We make our own, spreading unsweetened dried coconut flakes on a baking sheet, put in oven, turn oven to 350. When our oven reaches 350, the flakes are done. It doesn't take very long! Sometimes I dust them with cinnamon or carob for the kids, but I like them best plain.
  • It's funny how that works. I've had the same thought, that back in the old days I felt cruddy all the time but didn't realize it because I didn't have a measuring stick (healthwise) to compare against. What irks me is when I get to feeling so good, I forget the price I pay when I get careless. I know better, and I still do…
  • Back after being sloppy for too long and now paying for it in terms of unwell feeling and lack of energy. Have managed two whole days of primal eating so far... Working on day 3. It's doable. Hang in there.
  • Thanks!
  • I triggered an attack with too much dairy. I've been super careful since. I think it's going to be coconut milk and cream from here on out.
  • Karryann, I was bulimic for years, on and off, as I tried every diet going around. I finally gave up on dieting. I gained a little every year, but at least I wasn't bingeing. After I got crippled by arthritis (could barely walk) I investigated autoimmune paleo. It wasn't a diet, it was a lifestyle. Pain is a great…
  • I worked very late tonight and am exhausted, but just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Will try to write more tomorrow.
  • Oh, and vegetables roasted in duck fat are yummy! I also make homemade salad dressing with olive oil or avocado oil.
  • Yeah, I gained weight after I reintroduced dry red wine, as well. Don't know what it is. You wouldn't think one glass would have so much effect. To eat enough fat, I use lots of butter or ghee to top vegetables, avocado oil or coconut oil in cooking, avocados, fat from grassfed meat, and fat bombs made from coconut oil and…