judicialjedi Member


  • Don't sweat it! You've hit a plateau, that just means you need to change up your exercise routines and diet. You've made amazing progress, don't let it bring you down.
  • I like all of posts I've seen and I'd like to say it's to look better in and out of clothes, but that never was a good enough motivator in the past. Well except once, but it was over once I got into a relationship. My motivator now is my heart. I lost my Dad and my Uncle recently and shortly afterward, I was diagnosed with…
  • I know exactly how you feel. I have lost 40 lbs using MFP and I have gone down in sizes in my clothes, but when I look in the mirror, I actually feel like I look fatter than before. I will tell you, what I tell myself, it's all in your head. It's easy to lose faith in yourself, that's how most of us got into this situation…