kellimiller1 Member


  • 265/213.3/170. I did eat a lot on thanksgiving, but it didnt effect me too bad and it was oh-so-delicious!!! :) My goals this week is to get back in the gym and hopefully start some weight training again- ready to have my body be sore as hell!!!! Love that feeling. Hope everyone else reaches their goals for the week!
  • Hey guys-- hope you all had a good weekend!!! Im down after this weekend which is a HUGE surprise because I had a horrible eating weekend- but then I did shop bigtime on Saturday all with carrying DS in the bjourn and doing major house cleaning- so maybe that made up for it. My goal for the week is to not overeat or stuff…
  • 265/217/195. Im down again, I sure wish I could go all out like I used to be able to for cardio, but I still feel I might pee- get what I mean?? :tongue: Def. not ready to start lifting- legs anyway- arms i could do without worrying. Ill get there eventually- just gotta be patient. My goal is to try to start lifiting for…
  • I hope to be better this week then last. last week I started back at work and took DS to daycare- so it was sort of tough. But I started back to working out at the gym this morning ( hubby had to take Ryker to daycare- which will be his job now in the mornings) and hopefully can get back into the swing of things. So todays…
  • Hi My name is Kelli and Im a 27year old from Menomonie, Wisconsin. I got married to my husband last year ( after impatiently waiting for 8 yrs for a proposal ;p) and in December we wanted to try for a baby. Only took the 1 time- which surprised us becuase everyone told us to expect atleast 6 months or more. I had my son…
  • Start weight: (right before giving birth) 265 (horrible- just horrible- I THANK God that Im tall and can sort of hide it) current wt: 221 goal wt: 165 ( want to be at 195 by end of year- that was my starting prego weight and 165 was wt i was summer-2011) and how do you get that litlte weight goal tracker thingy??? I…
  • so how are we doing this exactly???