Cando055 Member


  • I love this! Annapolis here! Sailing capitol of the world and home of the U.S. Naval Academy. Fabulous place to live.
  • And yes, I'm willing to be a team leader. It will help me hold myself accountable.
  • I would love to join you! Looking at May as a fresh start.
  • Hi, glad I found you again. I've had a rough time since I fell off my bike while vacationing in Florida and did some damage to my elbow and shoulder. It's really put me in a funk. Hoping to pull out of it. Reaching your posts is a good first start.
  • You are absolutely adorable!
  • Good Friday morning, all! I realized that I didn't post goals for March, so I've taken some time to look back and review my progress and set some realistic goals for the month. jb and Suzyq, thank you both so much for taking a positive approach to looking back. I tend to be so negative (I didn't do this, I didn't…
  • UPDATE: User/Real Name: Cando055/Eileen Goal weight on March 31st = 152 lbs 3/01: 160.0 3/05: 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31:
  • I'm glad to have found this thread for March and will claim my space in the wee hours of the first day. I am so tired of taking one step forward and two steps back that I really plan to make this the month to turn things around. lisa, I feel for you. My children are 24 and 21, and it's hard to know when to give them space…
  • Wow, I am completely inspired by so many people with the same weight loss goal. How about a 3-month challenge, starting tomorrow, March 1 through June 1, the beginning of summer. If I lose 15 pounds by June 1 (a very reasonable goal), and another 15 pounds by August 1, I will have accomplished my final goal while it's…
  • Sorry, I forgot to give you my name when I posted yesterday: User/Real Name: Cando055/Eileen Name/ real name: Rowyourboat/Tammy Goal weight on March 31st = 152 lbs 3/01: 3/05: 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31:
  • Does it require a chest strap? How do you wear it to calculate sleep?
  • Good morning, all. Enjoyed reading all the posts, although I'm still having a hard time tracking everyone. Realpure, what is the 3 x 32 oz. water formula? I can't find it anywhere. I had a hearing last night and a very stressful day leading up to it. Missed lunch trying to get a motion finished and filed, but did grab a…
  • raxmox, thank you! That is very informative.
  • Oh, I'm with you! I've gone for long stretches without drinking, so I've learned how to handle the friend issue (club soda with lime). The real problem is ME! After a stressful day, I really want a glass of wine, but that almost always turns into more. I'm working on weekends only, and limiting the quantity. I know it's…
  • Awesome and inspirational! I started at the same place and have the same goal, so it's amazing to see what a transformation 30 lbs can make. Thank you for posting.
  • I'm in again, please? I didn't post my weight each week in February, but I have held the goal close all month and will report back tomorrow. For March: Goal Weight on March 31st: 152 3/01: 3/05: 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31:
  • Same goal here. Started at my all time high of nearly 165. Want to get to 135 by summer. Can we keep this thread going?
  • Hi, all! I jumped in here, then jumped out. I am really facing my own excuses and hope to hang out with this wonderful, positive group of women. I'm down 1 lb. this week, after deciding to eat clean, measure and log everything, and stop kidding myself. Also upped my water intake, which feels great. Nancy, I LOVE "My…
  • Realpure, thanks for the book recommendations. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on. I had a couple of down days -- a hearing Monday night followed by two days where I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed (I'm really losing my stamina for trial work). This afternoon instead of heading to the…
  • 2/09 2.0 miles ellptical 2/10 2.5 miles elliptical 1.5 miles stationary bike 2/11 2.0 miles running errands (pedometer) Week total: 8.0 miles 2/12 3.2 miles elliptical 1.5 miles stationary bike 2/15 2.6 miles walking outside
  • Wow, I lost you all for a day. Happy belated Valentine's Day. We had a special dinner at our yacht club, where I drank 2 glasses of wine and ate the fixed three-course meal with attention. It was a lovely evening.
  • Well, I didn't have the best weekend, but then again, it wasn't the worst, either. I have a hearing tonight that is really causing a lot of stress, and I let it get the better of me yesterday. It's an occupational hazard. tomorrow I'll be on the other side of it and can breathe again. eileen
  • 2/09 2.0 miles ellptical 2/10 2.5 miles elliptical 1.5 miles stationary bike 2/11 2.0 miles running errands (pedometer) Week total: 8.0 miles 2/12 3.2 miles elliptical 1.5 miles stationary bike
  • Down 1 lb this week! Finally feel like I'm on the right track. Tragically, I'm convinced the abstinence from wine was the turning point. Those little alcohol cells just grab onto those fat cells and scream, "no, no, I don't want to let you go -- stay here and let's party and eat more crud and drink more and just stop…
  • 2/09 2.0 miles ellptical 2/10 2.5 miles elliptical 1.5 miles stationary bike
  • 2/09 Elliptical 2.0 miles
  • I'm a little late, but I'd like to join you. I'll post my first entry after my workout this evening.
  • Oh, Barbie, I'm going to steal this affirmation: "My life today is so great today it should have background music." Love it, love it, love it! I am SO like the guy in that old commercial who steps on the scale at the gym, looks determined, steps off and jogs around the gym 3 or 4 times, then steps back on the scale with…
  • Kraken, yes that's Trevi Fountain! I'm from the U.S., but we visited Rome 2 years ago, also Cinque Terre and Siena. Loved Italy so much we returned last year for Florence, Tuscany, and Venice. What a wonderful country and oh, the food! Wine is also my downfall. Trying to seriously limit consumption while I work off 35…
  • Oh, Renny, that is SO my story! Although my husband and I work together, he usually gets home earlier than I do and plans and cooks our dinners. Although he no longer makes me a drink (at my request), out of habit I usually grab a glass of wine and sit down with him before I even change my clothes. Although he's got about…