

  • I live on Clay Road near Hwy 6! any jogging buddies out there?
  • I've had that problem too, and I found that working out early in the morning before breakfast keeps the BS lower in the morning hours.
  • @Canderson5805, You are absolutely right about the stabilizing of blood sugars for weight loss. I was an athlete in college, and the only way I could perform well and feel at my best was when my blood sugars were normal for 4-5 hours before every workout. It is so important to keep blood sugars stable during the workout.…
  • I've been using the CGM for about 2 years. I'm a competitive athlete and always had trouble keeping the site on until I found the sweet spot on my hip where it doesn't get jostled or rubbed during my workouts. I generally put the sensor on my side (closer to the butt), right below my waist, where it is covered by my…