

  • I am thankful for everyone in this Challenge! I feel so stupid for posting about how upset I was about my weight gain, and you guys helped me get past it! My clothes aren't any tighter than they were before I gained that weight, so I must still be doing something right. I had a great Thanksgiving with my family and am…
  • Awesome post, BrunetteWife... you definitely lifted my spirits! I'll get back to work tomorrow and everything will be fine!! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
  • Ugh... So I thought I'd weigh in this morning, thinking it would be better than weighing in the day after Thanksgiving. However, there were two Thanksgiving parties at work this week, and even though I still worked out, I seemed to have overindulged a little too much. From those two parties I have gained 6.4 pounds :-(…
  • I can not believe we're in week 4 already! I honestly think this is the longest time I've ever stuck with any type of weight loss program/diet/exercise routine! I definitely agree that we need to keep this up! I think Valentine's Day is a good time frame to shoot for. Although, I'm going to do my own mini-challenge for my…
  • My weigh-in was yesterday and I forgot to post!! I weighed in at 180.6 which means I lost 1.4 pounds this week! I'm happy with that! It was a rough week so I wasn't sure if I was going to lose anything. SW: 186 CW: 180.6 Christmas Challenge GW: 174 Almost half way to my Christmas challenge goal!! Woohoo!! Since my weigh-in…
  • I started making jewelry about a year ago and am working on setting up an etsy site to sell stuff online. It is a lot of fun!! Unfortunately, my camera went down the crapper and won't take good pictures of my work up close so I need to get a new camera before I can start posting pictures!!
  • Its almost Friday! It has been a long week for me and I'm afraid to see what the scale holds for me tomorrow. I completely fell off the wagon on Monday but have been working to get back on since. I think I'm doing ok, I just don't "feel" skinnier, if you know what I mean. I also think i hurt my back somehow yesterday. I…
  • SW: 186 Week 2: 184 CW: 182 GW: 174 I'm feeling so pumped about everything! I love the challenges - they're so motivating! Thanks, ApriVal! @SummerBlunden - I think sometimes we all need that ice cream/sometime sweet to make everything better. I know I sure do. I bake cookies and divide them into little snack bags and hide…
  • Thanks Pinky! And way to go Aprival! 9 pounds is awesome!!!
  • Today is my weigh-in... Its usually on Sunday but I've got a lot going on this weekend and don't want to miss it. SW: 186 W1: 183.8 CW: 182 Lost 1.8 pounds this week! And an inch in my waist and an inch in my hips! I'm super happy with that!!
  • SW: 186 CW: 183.8 GW: 174 2.2 pounds lost :smile: So, I started up the nasty habit of weighing myself everyday. I literally just threw my scale into the back of my closet so I will stop. See, I lost those 2.2. pounds after the first 2 days and have been weighing myself every morning since to see if I lost anymore. By this…
  • Thanks to both of you for the warm welcome! I'm hoping that my running will help me, although I have always found that when I am training for a race, I actually gain weight, rather than lose it. I'm still recovering from the torn muscle and shin splints so I'm stuck doing workout tapes at home for now.
  • Ok, here are my before pictures. My goal piece of clothing is a pair of Levi's Superlow skinny jeans in size 14. In the pictures they aren't even zipped or buttoned... ugh. My starting weight is 186, so my goal for the end is 174!
  • I'd like to be in on this! My goal is to get my running time down to under a 10-minute mile. My goal piece of clothing is a pair of jeans... I'll take the picture but I'm not quite sure how to post it. Can someone help me with that?